Monday, February 21, 2011

ship ....modeern mechanix

German Boys Build Scale Model Liners for Sea Cruises (Sep, 1935)

This is the coolest boat model I’ve ever seen. You can ride around in it!

German Boys Build Scale Model Liners for Sea Cruises
EXPERT marine constructionists, between the ages of 9 and 16 are being developed in one of the most novel trade schools of the world at Potsdam, Germany. Under the tutelage of experienced marine engineers, the youths receive a thorough technical training in building exact replicas of real steamships on a scale of one to twenty.
Grades are given according to the aptitude and intelligence shown in building the model vessels. The plans from which the youth work are the same plans, scaled down, of such ships
as the Normandie and the Queen Mary. At the end of the school year, advanced students build models that can actually go to sea.

sub......mechanix illistrated

Home-Built Boat Is Semi-Submersible
POWERED by a converted 1929 auto engine, a boat constructed by Wylie Harris, of Chicago, Ill., has a sheet-steel cabin and can be operated semi-submerged. The pipes at bow and stern serve as air ventilators. Water ballast is stored in ten two-gallon cans.

keg boat....... modern mecanix

Wine Keg Boat to Cross Channel
A SEA-GOING adventurer from Holland who last year crossed the English Channel on a water bicycle is attempting to add to his laurels by making the passage in a wine cask. The barrel-craft carries a tiny sail and is equipped with a miniature radio set.

tank boat...popular mechanics

Similar in appearance to the land tanks used during the war, a queer boat has been built by a boy in England. It is propelled by a paddle like a canoe and provides room for only one passenger. The novel craft attracted much attention when it appeared during a regatta on the River Thames.

paddle boat....modern mechanic

Youthful Skipper Hits Off 10 m.p.h. Clip on “Aquacar”

motor bike boat....Moderm mechanix

Side Car Serves as Boat (Jun, 1934)

Side Car Serves as Boat

body boat....modern mechanix

Take Long Swimming Cruise in New “Body Sailing Yacht”

motor bath ...modern mechanix

Motorboating in a Washtub

speed boat ...Popular science

“Water Auto” for Police Hits High Speed

one man sub.... popular science

Tin Fish Is One-Man Submarine (Dec, 1938)

Tin Fish Is One-Man Submarine

little boat.... popular science


models modern mechanix

Young Shipbuilders Take Cruise in Their Giant Models

Thursday, February 17, 2011

There is some good vidios on this site

ride in models

This blog is about ride in model tug boats and ride in models of all types. I am going to rely on readers sending in information and internet stories for the content of this site. I will also contribute as well. It is to be a general chat room for these types of models. I will now leave the floor open and as I don't know how to set up a forum just post a comment. Remember no sex or racism or bullying as these comments will not be published. Cheers Stewart